
Women's Rugby Team Training

Tue, 19 Sep 2017
from 4:30pm to 6:00pm

by Katie Wurst
Posted: about 7 years ago
Updated: about 7 years ago by Katie Wurst
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 06:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Contact Training – Wear Training Jerseys – 9/19/17
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 3 tackle dummies, balls, cones, pinnies
4:30-5pm: HWC Talk at Myers Park Field

Time/Session #: 5:00-6:30pm, Contact Session
Feedback: Physical conditioning improvement in contact area
Objective: Improve physicality and decision making under fatigue
Principles: Apply Pressure

5:00-5:15pm: Passing warmup (5 people w/creative play) and Dynamic Warm Up/Head/Neck Stretches

Activity: Catch Pass, Square Up (Tracking) – Groups of 5 (3 grids), 2 attackers, 2 defense drops to ground, gets up, enters the 10 X 10 grid, attack tries to score, defense makes the shoulder thud tackle
KFA 1)weight on the balls of your feet 2) step in the hoop
Focus: Count tries scored
Progression: Add in 2 more grids, go to 1 v 1 (2 groups of 3 per grid)

Activity: Tackle bag transfer – 2 single file lines facing each other (3 sets, 4 people per line), players carry the tackle bag, meet in the middle to transfer to opposite line w/shoulder hit
KFA 1) low body height 2) punch and wrap
Focus: Count number of times bag touches the ground

5:40-6:10pm Backs/Forwards Split – Unit Skills
Backs: 3 v 1 v 1 – channel
KFA: 1) commit defender w/decisive footwork 2) angled line of running off backside of defence
Focus: Switch to defensive focus
Progression: 4 v 3 v 2 – widen grid, defence starts from side and fans out to apply pressure
Forwards: Scrum – body positioning, core strength exercises – iron cross, around the world
KFA: 1) weight on balls of the feet 2) pelvic tilt, not sitting back
Focus: Scrum reps at fatigue
Progression: Angry Cat Race – 3 rounds at 1 min., 30 sec., 30 sec. Into 3 quality scrum reps when fatigued

6:10-6:25pm – Semi-opposed w/ focus on reacting to penalties/decision making

6:25-6:30pm: Cool Down Stretching


Myers Park Traditional Field (Behind Levine Center)

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