
Women's Rugby Team Training

Thu, 12 Oct 2017
from 5:00pm to 6:30pm

by Katie Wurst
Posted: about 7 years ago
Updated: almost 7 years ago by Katie Wurst
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 06:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Time/Session: 5:00-6:30pm, Defense Session
Equipment: 4 hit shields, balls, cones, pinnies, water cooler/bottles
Feedback: Improve response to penalties
Objective: Increase cardio and defensive pressure
Principles: Go forward, Apply pressure

5:00-5:15pm: Passing/Dynamic Warm up – groups of 4

Activity: Penalty Tag – 2 hand touch/tagee goes to ground w/pencil ball placement. Coach will call penalty w/hand signal. Point earned for which team is set first, then can earn double (or get back) point for line integrity on launch
KFA: 1) Launch on tap of ball 2)
Focus: Points tally for launch, back ten
Progression: Pass after tag, remove going to ground

Activity: 4 Woman Team Relay – Profile Resistance, Partner Squats (10 each), 10 up downs, fan out to pass, score, run back
KFA: 1) get up quick 2) focus to catch and pass under fatigue
Focus: count drop balls, first to finish last rep (3)
Progression: 3 reps, 1st piggy backsquats, 2nd pushups, 3rd wall sits all linked arms

Activity: 5 v 1 v 2 Gauntlet w/hit shields – narrow channel w/4 hit shields – evade contact (take to ground if needed)
KFA: 1) Commit defender early 2) change of pace from support run
Focus: count successful reps
Progression: Expand grid

5:55-6:10pm Backs/Forwards Split
Backs: Kick, Chase, Apply Pressure – Groups of 3 working independently (receiver attacks to beat pressure w/2v1)
KFA: 1) point toe, lock ankle 2) fast, slow, fast on chase approach
Forwards: Iron Cross, Around the World, 1 v 2 drive into Tight 5 scrum reps, sprint, re-set
KFA: 1) activate core – belly button to spine 2) neutral head

6:10-6:20pm – Semi-opposed w/ RGBY/Flow

6:20-6:30pm: Cool Down Stretching


Myers Park Field

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