
Yoga/Skills Session

Tue, 15 May 2018
from 11:00am to 12:00pm

by Katie Wurst
Posted: over 6 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)

Day/Time/Session: Tuesday, 11:00am-Noon, Basic Skills (Sports Complex)
Dress for Training: royal blue shirt, black shorts (of whatever you have)
Equipment Needed: Water bottles, pinnies, balls, cones
11-11:10am: Blind partner communication – 3 groups of 2, 3 start on each side, travel across the entire pitch and pace, switch

11:10-11:20am: Dynamic warmup led by Bridget M.

11:20-11:30am: UK Strength Routine (Led by Bella A.) – 10 jump squats, 20 jumping jacks, 20 T jacks, 5 4 square single leg hops, 5 reverse lunge w/overhead reach, 5 sectional spine rollouts into hand walkouts w/push up, 10 m bear crawl, 5 full arm plank shoulder touches, 5 mountain climber w/trunk rotation, 5 cobra to seal, 10 clam shells, 10 resisted neck crunches

11:30-11:40am: Dave Ellis series

11:40-11:50am: Wide space 3 v 1 v 1

11:50-Noon: Cool down led by Abby T.


Queens University of Charlotte Sports Complex

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