
Team 7s Training Session

Tue, 15 May 2018
from 2:30pm to 4:00pm

by Katie Wurst
Posted: over 6 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 04:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Day/Time/Session: Tuesday, 2:30-4pm, Defense (Sports Complex)
Feedback: Focus on evasion
Objective: Develop ability to use change of direction/speed to create linebreaks
Principles: Go Forward, Score
Equipment Needed: Balls, Cones, Pinnies, 2 hit shields

2:30-2:40pm: Basic skill relays

2:40-2:50pm: Dynamic Stretching led by Bridget

2:50-3:10pm: Activity: No tag touch – 6v6 – turnover on tag immediately
KFA: 1) Scan for gaps 2) Pass before contact, create space with change of speed/direction
Focus: Track back in transition when tagged
Progression: Have three tags, then turnover, can keep it if support is their right away (lifeline)

3:10-3:30pm: 3v3 scrum to lineout, w backline starter moves

3:30-3:45pm: 1 v 1 v 1 (w/hit shields)- tag = rep over
KFA 1) Use swerve/sidestep to evade 2) change of speed
Focus: Count number of tries scored
Progression: Add in deep support player

3:45-4pm: Cool Down/Stretching


Queens University of Charlotte Sports Complex

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